In less than 24 hours I'll be arriving in Paris.
Holy shit.
Let me back up a bit...
In the 8 months since I wrote last, a great deal has happened. A lot that is tedious and not worth repeating, a fair amount that left me wrecked and waiting for the day/night/week/month to be over, and a few surprisingly fantastic moments have surfaced as well. This is a year that has been full, but it is surely time for it to be done.
The operative word for the year seems to be 'sit' since that's about all I did. There have been other things, oh yes (for example: schemed, flirted, danced and absorbed), but nothing quite as overwhelmingly present as that first one. I'm ready to move beyond that and try something new. Which is good since lately I've had the sense that this next year could be just as chock-full of changes as the one that's about to come to a close...
So here's to the new year that is quickly approaching. And to new beginnings. And art. And friends. And lovers. And so very much more. (and maybe, just maybe, updating this regularly)
[The family's cat and dog, helping prepare Christmas dinner]